3월, 2017의 게시물 표시

Increasing the pi (not finished)

Write formally and academically in staunch opposition to normally held views   In status quo, most of the people agree on increasing the amount of students that each universities should accept. The number of students who apply for colleges is continuously increasing and universities should adjust to that tempo. However, I am firmly against it. Rather than increasing the pi of students, maintaining the current situation and forming an atmosphere that accepts students who didn't attend university would be much more important.    True, many people wants to attend to their dream university.   However, the high ratio of university students has made the diplomas irrelevant and even cliched. When searching for employment, a far better alternative would be to create specialized high to let students to focus and find their true talent and potentials.   The reason why students way to attend dream universities like Stanford or Yale is that they believe such drea...

Carlos Doesn't Remember: Revision

  Carlos, a smart, but uneducated, and even poor kid, loses everything because of just one thing: poverty. Poverty laid all the disasters-losing the chance to attend a boarding school with full scholarship, even forgetting what he has been through. The thing is that "Carlos" is not the exception. Numerous students are facing education inequality associated with poverty. Even in Korean societies, smart talents are being atrophied and being used in an improper way. There are some points to consider about those juveniles in Korea.   Like Malcolm Gladwell points out in this podcast, an advocate, a rich high class advocates, are required for smart social minorities in order for their proper education. In fact, Korean society can't provide and can't be the "advocates". The spirit of ASAP (빨리빨리) has been prevailing in Korean society since 1970s. The slower, weaker ones tend to be deteriorated and subjugated by the faster ones. Students like "Carlos" req...

The Big Man Can't Shoot: Revision

  The Big Man can't shoot. The Big Man can't shoot because of his 'unique' style of shooting-so called underhand style. Like the two eminent basketball players who initially started with underhand, every one in the world tend to act in two ways: maintaining their bizarre, and special road or being just like others. I would like to share my experience about spectator effect-when I was able to help a stranger.   I'm not a big fan of approaching to strangers voluntarily. Not just because I don't have a bright characteristic, but just like another North Korean do-saying nothing even though they bumped into each other, I was 'ignorant' at others. It was just a normal day and I was on my way to school, on the usual route that I used all the time. I was able to notice a man was lying on the ground. I looked around. I was sort of frustrated and hesitated whether should I go by him or should I help him. Somewhere in my inner body was asking for  morality, so I ...