The Big Man Can't Shoot: Revision

  The Big Man can't shoot. The Big Man can't shoot because of his 'unique' style of shooting-so called underhand style. Like the two eminent basketball players who initially started with underhand, every one in the world tend to act in two ways: maintaining their bizarre, and special road or being just like others. I would like to share my experience about spectator effect-when I was able to help a stranger.

  I'm not a big fan of approaching to strangers voluntarily. Not just because I don't have a bright characteristic, but just like another North Korean do-saying nothing even though they bumped into each other, I was 'ignorant' at others. It was just a normal day and I was on my way to school, on the usual route that I used all the time. I was able to notice a man was lying on the ground. I looked around. I was sort of frustrated and hesitated whether should I go by him or should I help him. Somewhere in my inner body was asking for  morality, so I decided to just help him. It seemed like he wasn't drunken, at all, and moreover, he wasn't even bleeding. While I was 'speculating' his body, bunch of my friends saw me and voluntarily helped me in terms of "rescuing" him. Thanks to other's assistance, that man was safely moved to the hospital and I still don't know how he became. Maybe he's doesn't know how to say "Thank you".

  In fact, spectator effect and peer pressure are both human inclined effects, but they are very contradictory. While peer pressure makes an unique one into just a normal person, spectator effect leads one to take other's responsibility-making one to become special. 

  To remind of that experience, I was too much naive. He might doing pranks on people passing by. He might been a criminal who was acting just to kidnap naive students like me. People would view me like a freak if I am shaking someone's body. They might think I make that person to faint! I was kind of frustrated when I thought in that kind of negative way. Numerous bilious thoughts came to my mind. Only few years have past and the way how I would act is so different. The more experience I've been through, the more I become aware of other's views, while I should focus on my actions and my conscience.

  As I commented on Sauhee's revision, I TOTALLY agree on the sentence  "The imperfection of a human makes a human perfect." Humans are born to be imperfect. Compared to other animals, humans have literally nothing but their intelligence. The imperfectness may be the reason why human became social. Individuals can't live without other people, and by supplementing others, the community becomes better. On the other hand, the character of being social makes human be especially aware of peer pressures. This is why we can depict dystopia like the 'Nosedive' episode. Now, here's my point. If we are born to be aware of peer pressure any way, we should choose clearly between becoming "Wilt Chamberlain" or becoming "Rick Barry"- adapt to the environment or become a pioneer.


  1. Decent post. "Only few years have past" should be "Only a few years have passed" . I'm not sure you understand "bystander effect" by how you describe it, as isn't it the opposite of taking action? You seem to describe it as taking action due to the the pressure of being in front of others, though I might be unclear.

    1. Thanks for the comments! I'll focus more on those minor parts. And about the bystander effect part, umm.. I can't remember the way I've approached. I'll think more about it


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